Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Secret To Expanding Knowledge Is Reading High Quality E-Books

The world in modern times potentially enriches everyone's lives through the basic task of acquiring experience through various media, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and even research journals, which will allow your knowledge to be achieved at the highest standard and will enrich the lives of every person who invest time, effort and money in the task of advancing knowledge boundaries.
To acquire knowledge is to acquire the Elixir of Life, as we gain knowledge it enriches our lives to the extent of providing us with the skills and expertise, which allow the person to play a significant role for enhancing our skills - combined with life experience, to achieve unimaginable success, related to our normal living environment and allow achievement in all aspects of business success.
Books that we select for reading must be selected with extreme care, as although the human brain has a large capacity to store information, and retrieve the information when required, unfortunately, the human brain is capable of storing incorrect and useless information - from free and useless books and e-books, which will conflict with, and confuse the highest quality information stored.
The selection of the reading material must be thorough and selected with extreme care and fortitude as the final selection with have a significant influence on the quality of knowledge gained, or if not, can have an adverse influence, especially if relying on free e-books and its low quality and useless information, usually being full of annoying advertisements and a convenient carrier of destructive Viruses and Remote-Controlled Trojans, which can cause severe damage to your computer from viruses, and at worse, harvest your personal details of Bank Accounts etc.
Unfortunately, the saying that ‘any free is not worth having' is true when the free item refers to free e-books, as the free e-books is excellent carriers of free advertising and pernicious Viruses and Remote-Controlled Trojans. The damage these pernicious software programmes can inflict to computers and personal details is well known, and free e-books must be avoided at all costs. Dedicated e-Book Stores, have expensive anti-virus, anti-trojan and anti-spyware facilities available to guarantee the highest quality reading materials are, and remain free of all pernicious software programmes.
Online e-Books Pals dot com's e-Book Stores is the ultimate e-Book Store which supplies the highest quality and newly updated e-books, utilities, software, a large selection of template websites and more importantly, turn key websites, which are available to upload to the server and start making money instantly - step by step, simplified instructions included.
Ebooks Pals dot com's e-Book Stores comprises over 700+ e-books and related software, the e-books are divided into 42 categories, and each category is specific to a particular section, for example: Adsense; Blogs; eBay; General Finance; Forex; Resell Rights; Business; Languages and Marketing - this is only a small selection of the various e-books categories.
An extremely important category, which I must give an explanation, is the Bargains category, which comprises of a selection of e-books and software which have been selected for price reductions from the normal price of $7.79 - the most expensive category, to the reduced price, as low as $1.99 or even the lowest price category of $0.99. These Bargains price reduction is genuine price reductions of the highest quality e-books and software. Bargain price selection of e-books takes place on a weekly basis, with a minimum of 18 products on sale at any one time.
At any one time approximately 18 e-books - minimum, will be selected for the Bargains category, the Bargain prices will be selected on a weekly basis, so visit regularly, or even wait until your preferred e-book, software is reduced before buying, or contact sales team and query if your preferred e-book, software is likely to be reduced in the short term - why pay $7.79, for your preferred high quality e-book, when you may purchase the very same high quality e-book, software for a price as low as $1.99 or even $0.99.
Ebooks Pals dot com's e-Book Store has become the favourite main attraction e-Book Store, of choice, for enthusiasts of all ages, young and through to the maturity of the aged people. Ebooks Pals dot com not only has a large selection of high quality e-books on a vast selection of subjects.
Ebooks Pals dot com also provides the highest quality and newly updated e-books at the cheapest affordable prices, and included is a pricing policy, of not only the keenest prices online, but a genuine selection of Bargains category e-books, software being priced as low as $0.99, highest quality and lowest affordable prices available on the internet today.
Life in the modern world is fraught with commitments on our choice of pursuits which can restrict our activities, including restrictions on reading our favourite books, e-books. As a consequence, many people believe, feel they don't have time to read, study e-books and gain from the knowledge that is inherent from reading and even studying high quality e-books.
But even so reading high quality e-books helps us to have a better understanding our modern world. Reading and studying requires discipline and initiative, which in fact, are the traits which help to produce effective leaders in industry and business.
Research confirms that the highest paid Americans in industry, reads on average two hours every day. In contrast, the lowest paid Americans in industry don't read at all throughout the day. Without doubt, the most significant way of expanding your knowledge is through reading e-books, of subjects which is of interest to you.
Perhaps not all people who read e-books from Ebooks Pals dot com, will aspire to being America's top leaders in industry and business, but one important fact remains, and that is, all top leaders in American industry today, who have aspired to their dream, are definitely readers, and have possibly gained their leadership qualities - discipline and initiative, from the written word.
E-books without any doubt, contains a vast storage of useable knowledge and combined with discipline and initiative through study, can transform an ordinary individual, with very limited prospects of earning a living on the internet, to a person capable of converting a mediocre website template to a unique website, selling the latest downloadable software products.
EbooksPals.com's e-Book Store category Web Design includes all necessary e-books with a vast array of skills available to create from a cheap template obtainable from online auctions - eBay, for less than a few dollars, with the simplified step by step instructions, being capable of transforming the cheap website template into a unique downloadable software website.
In the Web Design category is full step by step instructions on how to embed keywords in to the unique downloadable software website, to allow the two major search engines - Yahoo and Google, to not only be keen to index, but to position the unique downloadable software website, you created, on the crucial top three search engine WebPages - realistically to sell on downloadable websites the website must be on the first three pages of any of the two major search engines, for the embedded keywords.
Study Ebooks Pals dot com's e-Book Store category Internet there is an extremely popular and essential e-book titled '17 Simple Steps to a Killer Sales Letter', your unique created downloadable software website, can have the most up to date downloadable e-books and software and perfectly embedded the correct keywords in to individual WebPages. Unfortunately, even with the website displays on the first three WebPages of the major search engines, and successfully entice visitors to your website isn't enough.
Research confirms that less than one percent of all visitors to a website actually purchase the websites products, and that is only when the website consists of a killer sales copy, which induces the visitor to buy the product. The killer sales copy must be created from a set criterion, and to understand the criteria for killer sales copy through the relevant e-book, will bring you nearer to your financial independence.
Another essential for the unique downloadable software website, is to Advertise, Promote and Market the unique website. Fortunately, in EbooksPals.com's e-Book Store category Bargains, is one of the most important marketing e-books ‘Internet Marketing E-book'. This very useful e-book explains in depth, the various essential techniques used to master the crucial marketing of websites on the internet.
Finally, in EbooksPals.com's e-Book Store category Get Rich, is an amazing e-book ‘List Management Secrets'. Without doubt one of the most effective ways to promote your website is by learning the secrets of creating and utilizing Email Lists. An inducement on the unique website - free e-book offer, will entice visitors to offer their email address for the inducement of receiving a free e-book. The list of email addresses will be used to entice visitors, by an excellent sales copy type content in the emails sent to hundreds if not thousands of potential targeted visitors.

By : Desmo Boss

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